Just wanted to check in with you and let you know that Petie’s doing great with us. He has become great friends with our other dog, Brun. We had a party over the weekend with 10 kids under the age of 8 and every single one of them played with Petie. Petie loved it and I’m pretty sure he thought the party was for him. He is awesome with young children, and with all people. Everyone who meets him is delighted by him. He has never broken our electric fence boundary and other than a few minor potty training incidents has been super easy. He enjoys occasionally chasing our chickens into circles and protecting the yard from any possible intruders of the four-legged variety. We have walked and jogged many miles and enjoyed some day trips to the lake and trails. He and my son play ‘chase’, with Petie jumping three feet in the air and turning circles around the other dog and our son. He’s quite the entertainer.
Attached is a photo of Petie and Brun at the lake in our neighborhood.
Just wanted you to know how happy we’ve been with Petie. He’s made himself right at home here. Thanks for connecting us with him!!